
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I have been making cards recently using one of the new stamp sets becoming available on January 3 from Stampin' Up!. As I was working, I really began to ponder the words and their meaning on this stamp. How many of us really have a "perfect" life? Very few, if any, I'm sure. I think that we can all have a wonderful life in spite of our circumstances. So often, I truly believe that life is what we make it to be. If we spend our time focusing on what we don't have or what isn't right with our lives, then we will never find, or be, happy. But if, instead, we begin to focus on those around us and look for things to do for them, our whole perspective will begin to change and we will begin to feel better about ourselves and begin to make our own happiness.

I pray that each of us will make this our view of life and our goal for the new year.

Until next year (2014).....
Happy Stamping 4 Fun!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Dryer Sheet Cards

At my workshops this weekend, we made these two cards using dryer sheets. The base images (snowman and nativity) were stamped with black StazOn then colored using markers. The used dryer sheets were stamped (snowflakes and stars) then placed over the base image card pieces. This gives a nice textured look to the underlying image. The sentiments were adhered on top of the dryer sheet.

Happy Stamping 4 Fun!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Winner!?! Me?? Follow-up

Well, I was informed that there is no way to know which of my cards was indeed the 'winning' entry as all submissions were put into a drawing and randomly drawn as the World Card Making Day contest was not a skills based contest. Needless to say, it was a bit disheartening to learn this is how my entry was chosen. Oh well..... I still enjoy making cards and will continue to do so.

Happy Stamping 4 Fun!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Winner!?! Me??

I was totally caught by surprise the other day when I learned that I was one of the 100 winners in Stampin' Up!'s World Card Making Day contest for demonstrators. Who, me? Unbelievable! I submitted 5 cards that I made on October 5, 2013. What I don't know is which one earned me the slot in the winner's column. (I'm hoping to find out and if, when, I do, I'll let you know.) In the meantime, here are all of the cards I submitted. Which is your favorite?

Thanks for sharing my excitement with me,

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Another Moose Card

I thought I'd show you another card I made using the moose from the Walk in the Wild stamp set. This card would work well for a masculine card or with a change of the ribbon trim it would have a more feminine look.

Happy Stamping 4 Fun,

Monday, November 25, 2013

Stampin' Up! Holiday Sale

Holiday shopping for yourself or your favorite stamper is easy. Simply follow this link to my Stampin' Up! website.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I'm not even sure where to start....... but here goes. I have been an active Stampin' Up! Independent Demonstrator for two years (where has the time gone?) I truly enjoy the creative outlet that card making has given me and I often feel lost on the days I am not able to try new ideas or techniques. I offer monthly workshops and look forward to challenging myself to present different, interesting cards for those attending the workshops.

On my blog, my plan is to share some of the cards that are made at my workshops as well as some of the cards/ideas that didn't make the 'final cut'. Sometimes, I will provide directions for making the card. Other times, it will just be pictures. At times, I will let you know what I was trying to achieve with the card and why it did or didn't work out as I had hoped. I will try to keep you updated with promotions from Stampin' Up! along with my own personal specials.

In the beginning, my goal is to make weekly posts. As I become more confident in what I am doing here, I will increase postings to multiple times per week eventually posting on a daily basis. I still have LOTS to learn about setting up a blog. Please be patient with me as I add to the features and appearance of this site.

I look forward to having you join me on this journey and getting feedback from you, such as what you like, don't like, what you'd like to learn about, etc.

So to start us off, here is a card I made using the moose from the Walk in the Wild stamp set. Those of you that know me, know that I have a moose collection, which is why I chose to start with this card.

On this card, I tried something I saw on Pinterest using the Woodgrain background stamp and a white gel pen to create the look of individual boards.
Happy Stamping 4 Fun!